Physical Principles of Membrane Shape Regulation by the Glycocalyx

Physical Principles of Membrane Shape Regulation by the Glycocalyx
Carolyn R. Shurer, Joe Chin-Hun Kuo, LaDeidra Monet Roberts,Jay G. Gandhi, Marshall J. Colville, Thais A. Enoki, Hao Pan, Jin Su, Jade M. Noble, Michael J. Hollander, John P. O’Donnell, Rose Yin, Kayvon Pedram, Leonhard Mockl, Lena F. Kourkoutis, W.E. Moerner, Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Gerald W. Feigenson, Heidi L. Reesink, Matthew J. Paszek
Cell 177, 1-14 (2019)

Cryo-STEM mapping of solid–liquid interfaces and dendrites in lithium-metal batteries

Cryo-STEM mapping of solid–liquid interfaces and dendrites in lithium-metal batteries
Michael J. Zachman, Zhengyuan Tu, Snehashis Choudhury, Lynden A. Archer, Lena F. Kourkoutis
Nature 560, 345 (2018)

Cryo-electron microscopy sheds new light on batteriesCornell Chronicle &
Fast freezing reveals new insights into lithium battery degradationChemistry World
Freezing Reveals Lithium Battery SurprizeChemistryViews
Cryo-STEM exposes why batteries failMicroscopy and Analysis

Image registration of low signal-to-noise cryo-STEM data

Image registration of low signal-to-noise cryo-STEM data
Benjamin H. Savitzky, Ismail El Baggari, Colin B. Clement, Emily Waite, Berit H. Goodge, David J. Baek, John P. Sheckelton, Christopher Pasco, Hari Nair, Nathaniel J. Schreiber, Jason Hoffman, Alemayehu S. Admasu, Jaewook Kim, Sang-Wook Cheong, Anand Bhattacharya, Darrell G. Schlom, Tyrel M. McQueen, Robert Hovden, Lena F. Kourkoutis
Ultramicroscopy 191, 56 (2018)