Liberating a hidden antiferroelectric phase with interfacial electrostatic engineering
J. A. Mundy, B. F. Grosso, C. A. Heikes, D. F. Segedin, Z. Wang, Y.-T. Shao, C. Dai, B. H. Goodge, Q. N. Meier, C. T. Nelson, B. Prasad, F. Xue, S. Ganschow, D. A. Muller, L. F. Kourkoutis, L.-Q. Chen, W. D. Ratcliff, N. A. Spaldin, R. Ramesh, D. G. Schlom
Science Advances 8, eabg5860 (2022)
Liberating a hidden antiferroelectric phase with interfacial electrostatic engineering