Epitaxial STO film on silicon with narrow rocking curve despite huge defect density
Epitaxial STO film on silicon with narrow rocking curve despite huge defect density
Zhe Wang, Berit H. Goodge, David J. Baek, Michael J. Zachman, X. Huang, Xue Bai, Charles M. Brooks, H. Paik, A. B. Mei, Joel D. Brock, J-P. Maria, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Darrell G. Schlom
Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 073403 (2019)
Tunable Magnetic Transition to a Singlet Ground State in a 2D Van der Waals Layered Trimerized Kagomé Magnet
Tunable Magnetic Transition to a Singlet Ground State in a 2D Van der Waals Layered Trimerized Kagomé Magnet
Christopher M. Pasco, Ismail El Baggari, Elisabeth Bianco, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Tyrel M. McQueen
ACS Nano 13, 9457 (2019)
Stabilizing polymer electrolytes in high-voltage lithium batteries
Stabilizing polymer electrolytes in high-voltage lithium batteries
Snehashis Choudhury, Zhengyuan Tu, A. Nijamudheen, Michael J. Zachman, Sanjuna Stalin, Yue Deng, Qing Zhao, Duylinh Vu, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Jose L. Mendoza-Cortes, Lynden A. Archer
Nat. Commun. 10, 3091 (2019)
Freestanding crystalline YBCO heterostructure membranes
Freestanding crystalline YBCO heterostructure membranes
Zhuoyu Chen, Bai Yang Wang, Berit H. Goodge, Di Lu, Seung Sae Hong, Danfeng Li, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Yasuyuki Hikita, Harold Y. Hwang
Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 060801 (2019)
Explaining the Unusual Photoluminescence of Semiconductor Nanocrystals Doped via Cation Exchange
Explaining the Unusual Photoluminescence of Semiconductor Nanocrystals Doped via Cation Exchange
Abigail R. Freyer, Peter C. Sercel, Zhentao Hou, Benjamin H. Savitzky, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Alexander L. Efros, Todd D. Krauss
Nano Lett. 19, 4797(2019)
Developments in electron microscopy of exotic states at oxide interfaces: Cryogenic imaging and advanced detectors
Developments in electron microscopy of exotic states at oxide interfaces: Cryogenic imaging and advanced detectors
Ismail El Baggari, Lena F. Kourkoutis
In “Towards Oxide Electronics: a Roadmap“, Coll et al.
Appl. Surf. Science 482, 1-93 (2019)
Physical Principles of Membrane Shape Regulation by the Glycocalyx
Physical Principles of Membrane Shape Regulation by the Glycocalyx
Carolyn R. Shurer, Joe Chin-Hun Kuo, LaDeidra Monet Roberts,Jay G. Gandhi, Marshall J. Colville, Thais A. Enoki, Hao Pan, Jin Su, Jade M. Noble, Michael J. Hollander, John P. O’Donnell, Rose Yin, Kayvon Pedram, Leonhard Mockl, Lena F. Kourkoutis, W.E. Moerner, Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Gerald W. Feigenson, Heidi L. Reesink, Matthew J. Paszek
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Carrier confinement effects observed in the normal-state electrical transport of electron-doped cuprate trilayers
Carrier confinement effects observed in the normal-state electrical transport of electron-doped cuprate trilayers
C. Sacco, A. Galdi, F. Romeo, N. Coppola, P. Orgiani, H. Wei, B. Goodge, L. Kourkoutis, K. Shen, D. Schlom, L. Maritato
J. Phys. D 52, 135303 (2019)
Current-Induced Torques with Dresselhaus Symmetry Due to Resistance Anisotropy in 2D Materials
Current-Induced Torques with Dresselhaus Symmetry Due to Resistance Anisotropy in 2D Materials
Gregory M. Stiehl, David MacNeill, Nikhil Sivadas, Ismail El Baggari, Marcos H. D. Guimarães, Neal D. Reynolds, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Craig J. Fennie, Robert A. Buhrman, Daniel C. Ralph
ACS Nano 13, 2599 (2019)
Solid electrolyte interphases for high-energy aqueous aluminum electrochemical cells
Solid electrolyte interphases for high-energy aqueous aluminum electrochemical cells
Qing Zhao, Michael J. Zachman, Wajdi I. Al Sadat, Jingxu Zheng, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Lynden Archer
Science Advances 4, eaau8131 (2018)